Sunday, June 24, 2012

Zameere sadaf mei kiran ka makaam
Anokhe anokhe thikaane tere
adam bhi hai tera hikaaet kada
Kahan kahaan gae hain fasane tere
Ragon mei dorne phirne k hum nahi kaael
Jo aankh se na tapka woh lahu kia hai

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Friday, June 22, 2012

Normaly we have nothing in common except race,religion,color and sometime blood too.
So its showing rain,continuous showers for next four days. I ll surely delete this app if nothing happened.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Educate people educate people n educate people. If you want to do social service, in my opinion top slot is of and for education.
Good for nothing, And good for something. Its a philospohical practical phrase which if understood can solve atleast some problems of society.
There is a difference between helping the poor and uplifting the poor. So making institutional progress needed. You cant give basic rights in charity.

Monday, June 18, 2012

One has in its pocket the PG of musharaf as AG, other has musharaf's cabinet members. And now the tsunami has also a heck of great people's as candidates in next election. PPPP,MLN,PTI. Kan ethon pharo ya uthon :P
What AG did in supreme court is just the reflection of how the condition of justice in PK. We cant imagine the condition at lower courts. Shame less norms n values prevailing.
What is wrong with this nation? Stop using abusive language slangs on the social networks specially youtube. You even cant gaze at comments.
Journalism is getting inspired by dolly anchors,pretty faces and fake aggresive anchors. Where whole thing is ratings n rates. Where's the reporters left behind
Lets space the hell. The question is who is good n who is bad in current media big channels? And answer simply refers to the american journalist farewel speech who stated that, "who thinks yellow journalism is the past thing is more than foolish." So prostitutes still lives.